Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What's Behind a Name?

Hey all!  I am so excited that I am finally doing what I've wanted to do for a long time...creating a blog! :)  My aim is to be real with all of my posts, no matter what I write about.  So, let's start out with some honesty, shall we? Would you like to know the real reason that I'm just starting this blog?  I wanted to give it a catchy name!  Isn't that crazy?! Yes, I know, I know. I went with Perfume, Kisses, and Tears.  At first glance, it may appear that I'm writing about a love story gone wrong.  One that began with perfume and kisses and ended in tears.  The opposite is actually true.  A story that began with tears, then kisses, and ended with perfume is what inspired this title.  

My absolute favorite story in the Bible is found in Luke 7.  Go ahead.  Read verses 36-38:
"36 When one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, he went to the Pharisee’s house and reclined at the table. 37A woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee’s house, so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume. 38 As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them."

My girl, Mary, had so many things working against her.  First of all, she was a woman who entered a room filled with men.  Men who knew who she was, knew her past, knew her sin.  Scripture says that she wept.  Her tears wet Jesus' feet.  She even wiped His feet with her hair.  Many people reading this are going, "Gross!", especially if you understand where Jesus' feet had been. Dirt roads that were shared with animals...get the picture?  He was the Son of God, but His feet still got dirty, people!  So, in order for her hair to wipe His feet, that would imply that her head covering was off.  This was something women simply did not do in this day and time.  She then kissed His feet and poured very expensive perfume on them.   How broken did she have to be to be so incredibly bold without fear of what may happen to her?  Jesus later commended her for her faith.  He bragged about her to the Pharisees saying that she washed His feet with her tears, while none of them offered to wash His feet when He entered the house.  He also stated that none of them anointed His head with oil, but she poured expensive perfume on His feet and that none of them offered Him a kiss(much like a modern handshake/hug), yet she kissed His feet continually.

Here's the thing...I am Mary.  I sin.  Sometimes I sin big and bring sadness to my Heavenly Father.  I desire to be so broken over my sin, that I don't care how many people see my desperation. That I would boldly walk through a room full of Pharisees and ONLY care about what Jesus says about me. That I would sacrifice my pride and lay down my perfume, kisses, and tears before Him.  It is such a beautiful picture of salvation.  Christ loves us no matter what our background is, no matter what we do,and no matter how big our sin is.  He sees through it all and you know what He sees? Beauty.


  1. Hey Lisa it's Tristen.. looking forward to reading your blog . have fun and enjoy yourself
